The album is dead. Long live the album. Increasingly, my listening habits tend to revolve around individual tracks, so I tried to adjust my year-end…
I don’t know about you, but for me, 2011 was not a year of discovery. Most of the songs that bubbled their way to the…
The tune concludes with Stipe and Mike Mills harmonizing as they repeat, “Is this really what you want?”—preemptively raising the question on every R.E.M. fan’s mind. The only answer is a Bachrach-worthy horn arrangement that replies: “Yes. And it’s OK. It’s time to move on.”
Smack! Crack! Hey, kids, it’s a digital vs. analogue showdown between a quintessential ’80s synthpop ballad and an acoustic dirge that leant some gravitas to the alternative revolution.
Obviously, I’m not the first person to come up with the idea for a Rapture playlist, but I’ll take advantage of any opportunity to talk about what an awesome album “Bone Machine” is.