Terrible band names I came up with that you’re welcome to use when naming your terrible band

On Friday, the AV Club released its annual list of the worst band names its contributors have come across in the last year. It is something I truly look forward to every year, and this year’s list didn’t disappoint. It included such contenders as Slutever, A Winged Victory for the Sullen, You Bred Raptors? and Kikiilimikilii, along with some truly painful bio excerpts (“In a cellar where anxiety and blind confidence collide, desperate sounds are set to flame.”) and videos so horrendous you’ll swear that the next generation is beyond help.

(WARNING: Do not play the following video. You will regret it.)

(I told you so.)

At any rate, this all reminded me that I myself had a list of terrible, terrible band names that I came up with over the course of the last year. You see, when my own band was trying to come up with a name, I started keeping a list of odd word combinations that I’d read somewhere or that had come up in conversation. Most of them were so ridiculous that I never even considered presenting them to my bandmates. I saved them only for my own amusement. And now I present them here for your amusement.

Now that my band has settled on a name (Strangelove Labs, if you must know), these names are all up for grabs. Feel free to use them if you have a band who’s goal is to make the AV Club’s annual list.

Album art for Bird Fart's self-titled debut. (via vrempire.com)


  • Glittersaurus Rex
  • Tricerapops
  • Stegadorus
  • Jungle Pals
  • Lover Squirrel
  • Bird Fart
  • Payola Monkeys
  • Raised By Sloths
  • Train to the Zoo


  • Queen Bean
  • Hot Wheat
  • Sad Watermelon
  • The Cupcake Situation
  • Undigested Hummus
  • Condiments from the FUTURE!

Fun with portmanteaus!

  • Blingston TrioBlasphememe
  • Blingston Trio

Mildly offensive?

  • Collective Penis
  • Butt Pundit
  • ASCII Porn
  • Boatload of Bitch Money
  • Robocock
  • Slutty Ninja Costume
  • Blackface Zombie
  • Testicle Head Bosom Beaver
  • Knees 4 Nipples
  • Glitteris
  • Teat Milk Err (it’s an anagram!)

Spot the cultural reference

  • McKetrick Supplicants
  • Gallio Hoop Hoop
  • Big McLargeHuge
  • Inverse Tachyon Pulse
  • Lemon Zester of Destruction
  • Squigglevision
  • On Notice
  • Gourd Disciples
  • Herd of AT-ATs
  • Corpse Garden
  • Electric Risk
  • Spitzer Blitzer
  • Backstreet Boys II Men at Work
  • Timerobber

Just plain dumb

Hermetic Bubble Car (via jleibovitch.tripod.com)
  • Your Regular Doubtcast Program
  • Oonce Oonce Oonce
  • Killjoy with a Point
  • Rummy Tub
  • Hot Lotion
  • Celebrity Tweet Company
  • Sparkle Pilots
  • Trashed Roommates
  • Heaviest Beam in the Universe
  • Eye Crud
  • Red Sensation
  • Streaming Colossus
  • Hermetic Bubble Car
  • Swimmer’s Pits
  • Real Pretend Tunnel
  • That One Thingy
  • McGuffin Sanctuary
  • Fog Storm
  • Underlying Chuckleheads
  • Harshed Mellow
  • Pots Pots
  • The Squibs
  • Steampop

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