
Any and all feedback is welcome. Even feedback that begins, “You, sir, are an idiot.”

Send it to bill [at]

32 Replies to “Contact”

  1. Hey Bill I missed that you left Jackson. You sure made a 180 degree turn on the culture front! Good luck to you, I always enjoyed reading about musical taste and having turned me on the the Avett Brothers I will be forever thankful. I am finding that the Alt. Country scene is my new interest; Hayes Carll etc. Best of Luck, Jack Christensen formerly of Ella Sharp Museum

  2. I am very eager to hear what you make of the reference to Leda in the song Down by the River. I think it is the Leda from the myth that Yeats also writes about…some kind of an encounter that might mirror the scene I am envisioning. Descriptors: prohibited, landmark, a type of transfer of knowledge and power. I was an English major so of course I love their lyrics and your glossary. Please don’t make me get my Norton out. Yes, I can rock out while reading the old Norton.

  3. By golly, I think you’ve got it figured out better than anything I could add. It’s definitely “Leda,” according to the official lyrics at, and Meloy would be well aware of the significance of that name and wouldn’t drop it in the song without meaning to conjure up all the themes of Yeats’ poem. So, yeah, my take is that it’s alluding to those teenage encounters down by the waterfront and whether there was any mystic recognition of what the future held in those moments. I’m just kind of spitballing here.

    I hadn’t thought about any of this before you brought it up, by the way–so thanks for stopping by!

    Anybody else who’s stumbling across this, check out my Decemberists Glossary at

  4. You, sir, are an idiot. For not bragging about what an entertaining and thoughtful writer you are. Which may be why your blog is a favorite of all those that Google has strewn in my digital path. Thank you!

  5. Good meeting you yesterday. I just got really excited when I saw Timothy Monger as the first thing on your site. Great Lakes Myths Society and The Original Brothers and Sisters of Love are two of my FAVORITE bands in the entire world. I didn’t think anybody had ever heard of them outside of Michigan

  6. Hello Bill!

    My name is Chris Scott and I am the drummer for the band The Mighty Fine. We are leaving for our Summer on July 17th and have 11 dates in total that we are looking forward to playing. Currently all the dates are booked and we are looking for some ways to promote which is why we contacting you. If you have the time we would love to set up an interview or album review on the day of our show which is July 19th. Either way we would love to see you there so please let us know if you’d like to come out and we can put you on our guest list and hook you up with a copy of our cd.

    I have attached a link to our tour promo video as well as the press release for the album “In Revival” that we are touring in support of.

    Link for Promo Video –
    Press Release –
    Website –
    FaceBook –
    Twitter –

    Thank you for your time and I really look forward to working with you!

  7. Bill, I really love your taste in music. Let me know when more bands you like are coming to the SF bay area. Cool!

  8. HI!
    The Lonely Wild will be playing at 10p this Wednesday October 10th at Bottom of the Hill. We recently released our single from our upcoming full length. We’d love for you to check it out here: You can also see an in-studio live version of the song here:

    Enjoy! Also please find more info about the band below

    Jessi Williams

  9. @Lindsay, you can now! Check the icon at the top of the sidebar. Let me know if it doesn’t work. Thanks for being interested enough to subscribe. I can’t promise it will get updated very often.

  10. Hi Bill my name’s Ben Lauffer, I play drums in rock band Abatis from San Francisco. We recently released a music video of our latest single “Mithridatism”. The link to the video is posted below.
    We also have a show at the Boom Boom Room on January 10th at 9:00pm. If you’re available we’d love for you to come by.

    Ben Lauffer

  11. New Artist – Neil Young and Springsteen influenced

    I really dig the blog.

    I am a non-scene singer-songwriter here in SF. Just released a new record this week – genre: folk/country/pop. Recorded at Hyde Street Studios and SF Conservatory of Music, with a cadre of great local musicians.

    Wondering how I might get your blog to cover the record :)

    If you have four minutes, you can here a medley of music on the album and learn about me:


  12. Hey Bill, tried to shoot you an email and failed. SF based musician, releasing an album at GAMH on Feb. 21st and looking to get it reviewed before the release date. Shoot me an email an I’ll send you a track, see if you’re interested. Thanks!

  13. Hello Bill,

    I am contacting you on behalf of The City: SF SOUNDS. The City is a new music blog presented by Jack Daniels. We are hosting our first live music event on Wednesday, Feb 27th at Tupelo in San Francisco. Local bands, Rio Rio, Shanty Town, and Bonnie and The Bang Bang will all be performing. These events will happen monthly and will include cool Jack Daniels giveaways. More info about the event can be found at the link below:

    We expect a great turn out but we are continuing to promote and advertise the event. Would it be possible to advertise on your site? We also invite you to join the party as well. If you feel like covering the event then we invite that too! Looking forward to hearing from you.


    Facebook page:

  14. Hello good sir,

    Wait, wait – I know you probably receive an ungodly amount of unsolicited emails from all sorts of assholes, claiming they have all sorts of good shit you need to hear. Rarely, however, does their music live up to that initial claim.

    But this shit does.

    My brother and I are a group called glitterface. Its a mix of RnB and Hip-hop and, well….we’re not really sure. All we know is that no one else sounds like us, and – the best part – we are not at all like any of that crap being produced in the Bay right now.

    So, if you’re interested, go to for a free download of our newest ep. Its a pay what you want type download, so just put in $0 and that shit is yours.

    I swear you will not regret it – no one else has.

  15. Good Morning, Afternoon & Evening

    Allow me to entice you with a story Of perseverance, courage & fate.

    I know we all have a story to tell.. But..

    What if i told you that a young man found love, lost it to Cancer, over came homelessness, Suicide attempts & met an extraordinary 16 year old singer over the. course of 3 years? Sounds like a movie right?

    Thats the story told through Oddville’s new EP The Arrival EP features the single “Heart of A Warrior”, plus 7 new original songs including “Desire” and “Future Luv”.

    Through triumph & Over coming Main Objective & Leah Sarah have the opportunity to achieve life goals spreading a positive message through creative art. Investors have taken notice & anticipate how well the E.P. will do..

    The Goal Is 10,000 Sales By April!! Word Of Mouth, Share On Your Social Networks, Promote promote promote & GRAB YOUR COPY TODAY!!

    Join The Oddville Movement, Support Independent Artist

  16. Hi Bill,

    If you like the 70s-era Detroit-style high energy rock music, this might just be for you… new EP from San Francisco rockers Rule In Exile, for free right now at:
    And we will be playing at Bender’s in the Mission (806 S. Van Ness @ 19th) this Saturday the 22nd, along with a fine band called Disastroid. 9pm!


  17. Hey, my friend is coming to San Francisco in November. His bands name is The Routine and he’s trying to get some more coverage for his upcoming concert. Check them out and please consider a review or article on your blog. Thanks.

  18. Hi, Bill. I haven’t done much with concert announcements lately–in fact this whole blog has been on the back burner a little bit, I’m afraid. I’ll try to look into whether there’s some sort of WordPress feature I can set up to create a page where people like yourself can post announcements, but for now I think the comment on this page is about the best I’ve got. Sorry!

  19. Hi Bill! My name is Evan Blaser. I’m an Oakland-based photographer. Traditionally I do portraits and event photography, but it’s been a dream of mine to be able to photography music and musicians.

    You seem like a guy in the know, so I thought I’d reach out to see if you had any advice on getting started.

    You can see some of my work here:

    Feel free to give me a call or shoot me an email if you’re interested in connecting.



  20. Hello!
    My name is Maddie, and I represent the touring pop rock band “Indré”. I am reaching out with exciting news! Indré is releasing a very unique, self-produced music video for their brand new single “Shadow Shadow”. I have attached a press release, and I would appreciate it if you could include it in your publication. Thank you very much!
    -Maddie Indré
    Press Release “Shadow Shadow”

  21. Hi! I just wanted to reach out because i represent an up and coming bay area band called Delta Wave. We have a sort of pop punk, indie rock, power pop sound. We’re all born and raised in the bay. We recently released our first EP – A Lesson in Escape – which you can find via this link. Hope you like it!

  22. Hi Bill!

    I’m an Oakland-based indie artist/band. I checked out “Most Intriguing New Releases by East Bay Musicians of February 2023” and dug your picks! Never heard of Blues Lawyer and they are great.

    I’m releasing a few new singles and I’d be honored if you’d give them a listen.
    The first, Burn Out is a comment on how deeply ingrained American capitalism is in our sense of self-worth, how much we equate our value with productivity. It comes out May 5th and its linked privately in the website section. Happy to send more if you dig it!

    The Singles release show will be June 22nd at Rickshaw Stop. My EPK is here:

  23. Hello Bill
    My name is Rose Paradise and I am a 20 year old indie artist from West Marin. I am releasing my third single, “Take It Easy” off my upcoming debut EP on July 21 and would love to have it considered for All the City Lights.

    Here is some information on the release:

    “Take It Easy” was written and produced with Gianluca Buccellati, who has worked with the likes of Arlo Parks, Biig Piig, Danielle Ponder, and Tei Shi. This is Rose’s third single from her upcoming EP, and second collaboration with Buccellati. “Take It Easy” is the perfect modern, female take of the upbeat tunes from The Beatles or The Beach Boys with a driving groove and uplifting lyrics about getting out into the sun, and opening yourself up to love.
    Thank you for your consideration,
    Rose Paradise

  24. Hey Bill,
    My name is Wyatt, half of an indie duo from San Francisco, Rental. I wanted to reach out because I would love it if you heard our first track, “Waste The Time”. I attached our linktree with acess to the song on all platforms along with our brand new website. Thank you for your time and keep serving bay area indie justice!!
    : )

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