Who’s Where? East Bay: Places to hear live music in Oakland, Berkley and Alameda for Aug. 26-27, 2011

You’re a music fan in the East Bay. All you need to know is who you can see play this weekend and where to see them. Who’s Where? is your weekly concert listing offering everything you want with nothing you don’t. For locations to all these venues, see the handy-dandy map at the bottom of the page. Got a venue/gig you don’t see listed here? Drop a line to bill [at] billchapin.net.

San Francisco rock band The Stone Foxes will be bluesing it up at The Starry Plough in Berkeley on Saturday. (via Facebook)

This is a good week to kick this thing off because there’s a lot going on in the East Bay this Friday and Saturday. The biggest name is R&B scion Natalie Cole, who is doing a doubleheader on Saturday at Yoshi’s (as well as a third show on Sunday night). In its current incarnation as a blog for Paste Magazine, Crawdaddy is bringing one of San Francisco’s most promising and noteworthy rock bands—The Stone Foxes, fresh off a triumphant set at Outside Lands—to The Starry Plough’s intimate space. Birdmonster, a San Francisco indie rock group that captured my attention long before I moved here, is nesting at the Stork Club. Beyond that, there are all sorts of intriguing oddities, ranging from traditional Zimbabwean thumb-piano ensembles to improvisational electronica hiding out among the listings.

For now, this feature will focus exclusively on live (non-DJ) music in Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda on Fridays and Saturdays, but if this little experiment proves useful and/or popular, I’ll see about expanding.

Friday, Aug. 26, 2011

Shock G's show at Shattuck Down Low is your chance to do the Humpty-Hump with the original vocalist of Digital Underground. (via shockg.com)

Saturday, Aug. 27, 2011

The honor of having the show with the costliest tickets this week goes to Natalie Cole, who is doing three performances at Yoshi's in Oakland on Saturday and Sunday. (via nataliecole.com)

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